And now two birds with a single stone – a new article and the Apache Solr 4 Cookbook giveaway results. In this article we would like to show you how to implement random ordering of documents in the resulting using Apache Solr. Our example is real case scenario – we’ve used this to draw two giveaway participants. Those two comment authors that will be of top of the results set will receive the ebook.
Author: Marek Rogoziński
SolrCloud HOWTO
What is the most important change in 4.x version of Apache Solr? I think there are many of them but Solr Cloud is definitely something that changed a lot in Solr architecture. Until now, bigger installations suffered from single point of failure (SPOF) – there was only the one master server and when this server was going down, the whole cluster lose the ability to receive new data. Of course you could go for multiple masters, where a single master was responsible for indexing some part of the data, but still, there was a SPOF present in your deployment. Even if everything worked, due to commit interval and the fact that slave instances checked the presence of new data periodically, the solution was far from ideal – the new data in the cluster appeared minutes after commit.
New Book: ElasticSearch Server!
In the blog post dedicated to Solr 4.0 Cookbook we give a small hint that cookbook was not the only project that occupies our free time. Today we can officially say that a few month of hard work is slowly coming to an end – we can announce a new book about one of the greatest piece of open-source software – ElasticSearch Server book!
Apache Lucene and Solr 4.0 beta
We are getting closer and closer to the final release of Apache Lucene and Solr 4.0 as a few minutes ago 4.0 beta of Apache Lucene library and Solr search servers were released.
Autcomplete, part 4 (Ngram and faceting)
In the previous parts of autocomplete series we presented two methods of autocomplete queries. Than we extended one of those with the ability to define returned information. In todays entry we are back to autocomplete with facet and ngram.
Explain: new version
We are proud to inform that we deployed a new version of, software for debugging and analyzing Solr queries. This version contains the following changes:
- bugfixes
- initial support for dla Solr 4.0
- support for ruby 1.9
Source code is available on our GitHub. as Open Source!
As we promised earlier, source code for is now published.
Explain 0.9.1 – New version
After a few weeks (counting Christmas, when people don’t usually analyze theirs Solr queries ;)) we would like to share some thoughts about releasing Status
During the Lucene Eurocon 2011 conference we gave a talk about a tool that will enable you to analyze Solr search results. We promised, that the public version of the tool will be released soon. We would like to ensure that we are getting close to that moment. Right now we are focusing on the following things:
Another Lucene Eurocon is a history
Another Lucene Eurocon is a history. That was a very intense two days, where the basic problem was: which of the three lectures go to. Sometimes the choice was very difficult, the only hope is that this year all the presentations were recorded and will soon be available on the web.