Its been a long time since the last real blog post here on, but better later than ever, right? So, today we will get back to the topic of autocomplete functionality with Solr Suggesters, facets and a standard queries with n-gram approach. So, the same functionality, but done with different approach, depending on the needs and preferences.
Autocomplete on multivalued fields using faceting
In the previous blog post about auto complete on multi-valued field we discussed how highlighting can help us get the information we are interested in. We also promised that we will get back to the topic and we will show how to achieve a similar functionality with the use of Solr faceting capabilities. So, let’s do it.
Autocomplete on multivalued fields using highlighting
One of the recent topics I came across was auto complete feature based on Solr multi-valued fields (for example, this question was asked on Stack Overflow). Let’s look what possibilities we have.
Autcomplete, part 4 (Ngram and faceting)
In the previous parts of autocomplete series we presented two methods of autocomplete queries. Than we extended one of those with the ability to define returned information. In todays entry we are back to autocomplete with facet and ngram.
Solr and autocomplete (part 3)
Solr and autocomplete (part 1)
Almost everyone has seen how the autocomplete feature looks like. No wonder, then, Solr provides mechanisms by which we can build such functionality. In today’s entry I will show you how you can add autocomplete mechanism using faceting.