After a few weeks (counting Christmas, when people don’t usually analyze theirs Solr queries ;)) we would like to share some thoughts about releasing
We noticed the following:
- Explain tool have goaded some attention, but most to the explains are marked as private.
- In relatively large amount of explain only query was submit instead of the whose response.
- Often the results don’t have diagnostic information (debugQuery=true).
- Unreleased Apache Solr 4.0 is quite popular 🙂
- Explain parser did a good job (of course without counting the obvious Solr 4.0 explain parsing problems).
Our thoughts:
- We need to work on clarity of the messages.
- We need to focus on enabling Solr 4.0 explain parsing.
Today new version of was deployed. The changes are as follows:
- Simple analysis of query performance was added.
- Displayed messages are now more user friendly.
- Explain parser was corrected according to text files generated by Solr 3.5 unit test cases.
- Minor GUI enhancements.