In the previous entry, we tried to cover what we saw at the first day of Lucene Eurocon 2011 conference. However, from our point of view, the second day was the more important one, due to the fact that this was the day we had our talk. But let’s start from the beginning.
2011 Status
During the Lucene Eurocon 2011 conference we gave a talk about a tool that will enable you to analyze Solr search results. We promised, that the public version of the tool will be released soon. We would like to ensure that we are getting close to that moment. Right now we are focusing on the following things:
Lucene Eurocon 2011 – day one
As we wrote a few days ago we are back from this year Lucene Eurocon, which took place in Barcelona. Despite the fact that the videos will be available shortly, we decided to wrote something about those presentations we attended to.
Near future plans
Surely you noticed a decreased activity of But this is not related to preparations for winter sleep. We are not bored also. The reason is the hot period in relation to the project deadline, which we perform within our professional work. In addition, the rest of our free time is occupied by two subjects which are mentioned below.