Solr 4.2: Index structure reading API

With the release of Solr 4.2 we’ve got the possibility to use the HTTP protocol to get information about Solr index structure. Of course, if one wanted to do that prior to Solr 4.2 it could be achieved by fetching the schema.xml file, parsing it and then getting the needed information. However when Solr 4.2 was released we’ve got a dedicated API which can return the information we need without the need of parsing the whole schema.xml file.

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What is schema.xml?

One of the configuration files that describe each implementation Solr is schema.xml file. It describes one of the most important things of the implementation – the structure of the data index. The information contained in this file allow you to control how Solr behaves when indexing the data, or when making queries. Schema.xml is not only the very structure of the index, is also detailed information about data types that have a large influence on the behavior Solr, and usually are treated with neglect. This entry will try to bring some insight about schema.xml.

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