Category Routed Aliases

Through the lifetime of Solr we were given the possibility to work with cores, then collections and finally aliases – the alternative names for collections. Aliases allow the user to give your collection a new, virtual name and group multiple collections under that single virtual name. This allows isolation of the real collection name from the name that the client application is using. That allows changing the collection in the background without the need of bringing down the whole cluster and make your application or product unavailable. In Solr we have the option to use two aliases groups:

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Solr 4.0: new fl parameter functionalities – first look

In connection with the work of slowly upcoming release of Apache Solr version 4.0 I thought that it is time to bring some light on the functionalities that you will get into your own hands with the release of Apache Solr 4.0. The first change we will look at is a simple, but albeit useful functionality called pseudo fields, together with additional features related to the fl parameter.

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What is schema.xml?

One of the configuration files that describe each implementation Solr is schema.xml file. It describes one of the most important things of the implementation – the structure of the data index. The information contained in this file allow you to control how Solr behaves when indexing the data, or when making queries. Schema.xml is not only the very structure of the index, is also detailed information about data types that have a large influence on the behavior Solr, and usually are treated with neglect. This entry will try to bring some insight about schema.xml.

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