As we know Solr has a few caches, for example – filterCache for filters, queryResultCache for query results caching and of course the documentCache for caching documents for fast retrieval. Today we will focus on the last of the mentioned caches and what can be done to better utilize the cache if you use it.
Simple photo search
Recently we had a change to help with a non-commercial project which included search as its part. One of the assumptions, although not the key ones, was the photo search functionality, so that the user could find the pictures fast and accurately. Because the search had to work with meta data of JPEG files, the idea was simple – use Apache Solr with Apache Tika.
What can we use Dismax tie parameter for?
Dismax query parser have been with Solr for a long time. Most of the time we use parameters like qf, pf or mm forgetting about a very useful parameter which allows us to control how the lower scoring fields are treated – about the tie parameter.