After a few weeks (counting Christmas, when people don’t usually analyze theirs Solr queries ;)) we would like to share some thoughts about releasing
Conferences beta version available
We are pleased to announce, that is now available for users. Please remember that this is a beta version and will be further developed. If you want to know more details please read the following blog post.
Lucene Eurocon 2011 – day two Status
During the Lucene Eurocon 2011 conference we gave a talk about a tool that will enable you to analyze Solr search results. We promised, that the public version of the tool will be released soon. We would like to ensure that we are getting close to that moment. Right now we are focusing on the following things:
Lucene Eurocon 2011 – day one
As we wrote a few days ago we are back from this year Lucene Eurocon, which took place in Barcelona. Despite the fact that the videos will be available shortly, we decided to wrote something about those presentations we attended to.
Another Lucene Eurocon is a history
Another Lucene Eurocon is a history. That was a very intense two days, where the basic problem was: which of the three lectures go to. Sometimes the choice was very difficult, the only hope is that this year all the presentations were recorded and will soon be available on the web.
Lucene Eurocon 2010
Following the announcement by the Apache Software Foundation’s intention to abandon the organization of ApacheCon conference on the old continent, we Europeans were left with no conference under the sign of the Apache near us. But as we all know, nature does not like emptiness, and thus the company Lucid Imagination, in cooperation with the sponsors, decided to organize the first conference dedicated to Lucene and Solr – Lucene Eurocon. Due to the fact that we had the pleasure to participate in this conference, we decided to pass you a short account of its progress.