Apache Solr 9.7.0

It is a pleasure to inform you that the new version of the Solr search server has been released. It is the next release from the 9.x branch and it is numbered 9.7.

Some of the changes introduced in Solr 9.7:

  • DocValues are now turned on by default on fields that support that, but only when using the newest schema.
  • New query parser was introduced – the vectorSimilarity allowing minimum vector similarity threshold.
  • It is now possible to use multiple threads when having index built of multiple segments.
  • Solr was upgraded to Lucene 9.11.1.

We encourage you to read the whole list of changes at: https://solr.apache.org/docs/9_7_0/changes/Changes.html.

Apache Solr 9.7 can be downloaded from https://dlcdn.apache.org/solr/.

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